TXTR-LITE™ is a lightweight, flexible, unique stone veneer with unlimited application possibilities.
TXTR-LITE™ is a lightweight, flexible, unique stone veneer with unlimited application possibilities.
TXTR-LITE™ can be used to create a monolithic large stone look showing the true colors of real stone while offering quick installation, light weight, and on-site cost savings. TXTR-LITE™ goes up faster than tiles or stone without the need for most standard masonry or tile installation methods and tools.
The use of large grout seams can be used to accentuate the edges or you can choose to butt the sheets together to create an almost seamless look. TXTR-LITE™ stone veneers can turn a flat wall into a work of art by lifting or off-setting each sheet producing a marvelous staggered panel effect. Accents can be added with the use of colored grouts or even fine wood or metal trims.
This project involved covering an old door with Silver Shine TXTR-LITE. Proper surface prep is important. The surface was sanded and brushed clean before the TXTR-LITE was installed.
TXTR-LITE is laid out and cut with sheet metal shears. Cutting is simple because of TXTR-LITE's thin, flexible nature. Note the back of the material is scribed with a knife.
A roller is used to press down the TXTR-LITE. Start from the middle to push air out towards the edges. Care must be taken not to push the adhesive out, or an air gap may form.
Note the grout lines have been cleaned with a scraper and filled with grout. Door knob and dead bolt holes have been cut with a hole saw.
TXTR-LITE Flexible Stone Veneer is an excellent way to dress up an otherwise boring garage door. TXTR-LITE panels are colorful, lightweight and thin, making them an ideal choice to brighten up standard garage doors. Layout can be simple or more complex, as shown here.